Horse leather may be different from what you think

What is your impression of horsehide? When most people see the photo above, they may only think that one of them is horsehide, but in fact these three items are all horsehide. We have mentioned before that the leather tanning process and post-processing will affect the final presentation of the leather. , even famous tanneries will have lower-level products. Horsehide is not...

On by May club

Totem Pole totem pole

(Image source ) Totem Pole is a totem pole carved from wood by Native Americans along the Pacific Northwest coast of the North American continent (Alaska to California). There may be totems or phrases related to tribes and families on the top. Totem Pole itself depicts a variety of objects, common ones such as: owls, eagles, frogs, beavers, bears, thunderbirds, etc....

On by May club