May club 春節營業時間

今年春節期間我們將於除夕至初四公休,並於初五 2/2 (日) 恢復正常營業。 《台中店》營業時間 13:00 - 21:00,每週二定休。 《台北 Showroom》預約制年前最後一個營業日:1/24 (五)年後第一個營業日:2/4 (二) 想要為春節備妥帥氣戰袍的朋友,歡迎把握年前這幾日來店逛逛!欲前往台北店的朋友,明天是年前的最後營業日,可聯繫我們告知想看的單品,以便提前為您準備喔! 感謝大家過去這一年的支持!也預祝各位金蛇送福,蛇來運轉!

On by clubMay

1111 event assault! Limited time 24hrs offer! !

Double 11 limited event, 11/11 is only for one day, enjoy 11% discount regardless of amount! The system will automatically apply the discount when checking out on the official website...

On by clubMay

The 2024 summer season change event begins!

This year, spring and summer items from all brands have arrived, and we have decided to start the season change early when the heat is in full swing! This event...

On by Dragon Chiu