May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28
May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28

May club x Urban Soul joint limited edition 5mm Italian fat full vegetable tanned saddle leather belt-W28

Vendor: May club
Product type: Belt/belt

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May club -【May club】May club x Urban Soul 聯名限定 5mm 義大利多脂全植鞣馬鞍革皮帶 - W28

May club x Urban Soul joint limited edition 5mm Italian fat full vegetable tanned saddle leather belt-W28


May club x Urban Soul joint limited edition 5mm Italian fat full vegetable tanned saddle leather belt-W28


May club cooperates with Urban Soul , the strongest knight leather goods brand , to jointly create a limited-edition special belt; the leather goods are made of Italian full-fat vegetable-tanned saddle leather and cut into a 45mm wide belt. There is no nailing style because there is no need to worry about increasing the thickness of the rivets. It may affect the inconvenience of wearing, so we specially choose Italian fat saddle leather with a thickness of 5mm, which is rare. It feels very solid. Leather with such a thickness is very difficult to obtain in European leather. In addition to being rare on the market, Ken Guaranteed + It will only be used in belt cooperation models as an exception. For those who simply love leather, please be sure to grab it no matter what!

This leather is tanned by extracting plant tannins through a complicated and time-consuming natural vegetable tanning technology. It does not contain heavy metals and other ingredients that are harmful to the human body. The leather's own luster and surface pore patterns are retained during the process. It is rich in oil and easy to grow. , the leather will be more shiny and shiny after about three months of use. Vegetable-tanned leather is usually stiff in texture, but due to the rich oils added during the production process of Italian fat leather, the stiffness of the leather is tempered. In addition, it is wear-resistant, has good breathability and is quite tough. It can be called A work of art in the leather world, the texture is unmatched by ordinary leather.

The hardware also adopts the original belt head used for the first time, which is made of newly developed solid pure brass. To match the 45mm wide belt, the 6.5cm wide belt head is set, and the octagonal flat head shape is inspired by the antique belt of the 1930s. , quite generous and handsome, the specially designed thick needle stick makes the overall weight feel full! The brass horseshoe-shaped girdle also implements Ken's consistent belief that all of its products are "based on harnesses and loyal to harnesses." Goldware including rivets, colored bead seats and other hardware are all made of brass. The part that fixes the belt head also uses a detachable double buckle configuration for the first time, which can provide a more stable effect than a single buckle. It is matched with a wedge-shaped design and a symmetrical belt tail shape. The simple and low-key details highlight the focus of the belt: high-quality leather. texture and original rivet pattern.

The opening design follows the ken GUARANTEED + signature fish hole shape. Thick needle sticks can be easily passed through and fixed without damaging the leather. Five-hole belt holes replace the previous six-hole design. The shorter belt adjustment range makes it easier to tie up. The front view is more neat and handsome! As for the inner design, the unique mountain-shaped LOGO of May club's own product line is gilded on the inner side of the tail end of the belt, and is paired with Urban Soul embossing to add to the texture!

This tea core belt is based on original color leather, with a delicate surface dyeing treatment, and then rolled with a basket weave (Basket Weave) derived from American police equipment. This can be seen on highway police belts in the 1930s. Use of imprints. After long-term wear and tear and other normal use, the changes in the leather are quite exciting.


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