The falcon originated from MAY CLUB ORIGINAL HUNTING EAGLE. The design of the falcon is completely different from the common flying eagle form of all Indian brands on the market. Instead, it expresses the frontal ferocious posture of the eagle catching its prey. At the same time, It also incorporates the image of the letter M, which is not only highly recognizable, but also very characteristic of the May club brand.
In addition, Bisbee turquoise stone, which is of high quality in terms of grade, color and texture, is also added to the belly of the eagle, and is bezel-set with 18K, which is quite luxurious! Bisbee is produced in the Arizona mining area of the United States. It has a beautiful blue color mixed with some chocolate red and brown lines. The bluer the more charming it is! After the mine ceased more than ten years ago, due to production limitations, the precious Bisbee ranked among the top five in the global turquoise rankings!
The depiction of the eagle's head also has a sharp gaze that contains more vitality. The details are not only very meticulous, but the large area of 18K gold is also more solid than other brands!
And because of the special prey posture, the whole thing needs to be assembled manually through complicated processes. The feather patterns on the wings and tail are even hand-printed one after another. Although it is time-consuming and labor-intensive, this is every piece that May Club hopes everyone will wear. , can be the only one of a kind in this world!
If you have ever tried the actual May Club Eagle product, you will know that the overall feel is quite solid and the weight is amazing! The openings for both wings and the eagle tail are also specially designed, and the parts that cannot be seen are not random. The eagle is very eye-catching when worn alone, and the combination of feathers below can enrich the overall visual effect!
The original silver jewelry series ranges from double-sided waist chains, sterling silver Belt Buckle, to Taichi Feather and Knife Feather. Each piece is surrounded by representative Indian elements such as chiefs and eagles, and requires many modifications and adjustments to the matching. The presentation can have the most perfect proportions, all of which are just to present the absolute uniqueness to you with extraordinary taste!
Size: 47 x 88mm
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