The logo designed for us by Pin-Stripe artist Psycho is made of felt and sewn onto the original Trucker Cap!
Psycho draws the M, A, and Y that represent May club into eagle wings, eagle heads, talons, and body parts respectively, and adds the classic phrase "LIVE IN THE MOMENT / ENJOY LIFE" to live in the moment/enjoy life. It also ties in with the words "TOO FAST TO LIVE, TOO YOUNG TO DIE" written above the bracelet we launched for our fifth anniversary. The slogan on the inside of the hat "EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING" means that there will always be light after darkness. Even in the difficult times of the global epidemic, we should not forget to seize the moment, hide our capabilities and bide our time, waiting for the moment of dawn!
The cap body used is different from the general caps on the market. We deliberately made the cap body deeper and the brim slightly shorter. In addition, the selection of fabric and the opening above the rear adjustment strap were all carefully adjusted. Wear it from front to back. Looks great wearing it!
The hat body is made of black twill fabric and blue denim. There are 30 hats in each color. They are matched with two felt cloth patches with beige background and black background. There are four color matching options in total.
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