Many studies have pointed out that the Indians in America are most likely the Chinese who crossed the sea during the Yin and Shang Dynasties 3,000 years ago. Therefore, there are many similarities between the two cultures, and the Liangyi, The four images may also be related to the four sacred directions of the Indians!
We hide the concept of Tai Chi in feathers. If two feathers in the same direction are placed together, the appearance of Tai Chi can be vaguely revealed in the joining arc. "Tai Chi" is not only what we think is the foundation of all things in the universe, it is also a concept of ethical cultivation!
The production method is based on the concept of Navajo sand casting. The front tip of the sand casting is made of 18K and marked with the swastika mark, which represents luck to the Indians. The back is just the opposite. The tip is smooth and the top is sand. Cast surface. The upper and lower parts are made separately. Not only are the color levels of silver and gold very charming, but also when joining, care must be taken to maintain the beautiful curves that Tai Chi should have. The notches on the front feathers are all made by hand. The production is very labor-intensive. This makes each feather a unique work of art!
Arrange two feathers in the same direction to create the Tai Chi style in the picture, a feather ornament with a strong oriental flavor! You can choose two Half Gold half gold feathers that are also printed with swastikas, or choose another half gold feather embellished with silver chrysanthemums. Of course, there is also the option of Tai Chi Silver Feather, which is perfect for wearing with family, friends, and your significant other. Very meaningful!
In addition, you can also purchase a specially made Tai Chi hook and loop silver chain , which can be strung together with the HALF GOLD TAICHI FEATHER for a more integrated look!
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