The cross symbol existed in communication among Native Americans long before the Spanish colonized the Americas. It originated from the ancient Mississippi culture and was passed down from generation to generation. Although each Indian group has slightly different meanings, its spiritual symbols are all the same. It is quite important!
It has quite the symbolic meaning of the sun god, and also has the Hózhó we introduced earlier. Derived swastika. Later, Western colonization brought Christian crosses. Although they had different religious meanings, the Indians also had the same pious reverence.
The mixture of these beliefs and the association of symbols were easily adopted by the local aboriginal people. From the Cross of saint james to the two-barred cross, they were integrated into the design of Indian silver jewelry. Among them, the old Pueblo design can be seen. Isleta Cross, the main feature is that there is a cross in the middle of the cross.
May club’s original Double cross design also comes from this; the four-quadrant worldview of traditional Indian culture, we have two bodies and four images, and also have the different meanings of the double cross and the eight directions. It is our next step after the Tai Chi Feather. This is an interesting collection of different cultures.
Adjusting the long proportions, and using hand-carved wax to express a simple shape, bringing out a more vintage warmth of the times. It may seem simple but it will make you look at it for a long time. There is a different beauty from every angle! In the middle, two works are designed: gold cross and 18K swastika dotted gold, which bring out a sense of layering and will never get tired of it!
Size: 7.8 cm (including upper ring) x 5 cm
Price: 18K Cross $25,800; 18K Gold $13,800
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