CxTxM’s most popular hat item is back in new colors!
Many color combinations previously released were always sold out quickly in Japan and had not been sold in Taiwan before. The color scheme this time was proposed by CxTxM during May club’s seventh anniversary event in May this year as a Taiwan-limited model for Taiwanese friends. The color scheme was developed after a three-party discussion with Blackboots. The patch is in the red and blue of the national flag. The white color scheme was adjusted for the concept. In fact, the color scheme of the American flag also has these three elements~
Not only is the patch custom-made for us, but the hat itself is also handmade one by one. This time we specially selected black denim fabric, with white stitching on the brim to complement the white adjustment strap on the back. The stitching everywhere remains the same black, and the hat body is deeper and has a unique configuration. Different from the ready-made hats sold in the market, each hat is handmade and has slight differences including stitching!
In addition, the color fade of the black denim is also worth looking forward to. In addition, the labels of CxTxM and May club are sewn on the inside of the hat, which also symbolizes the friendship between Taiwan and Japan!
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