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Boa Gloves are made with an appearance derived from Vintage racing gloves. They are made of light and soft tea core sheep leather to overcome the shortcomings of thicker gloves that are difficult to bend when worn. Although sheepskin is stronger than horsehide and Cowhide is slightly weaker, but its wearing comfort is unparalleled. This is one of the reasons why many British antique gloves use sheepskin. The inside is matched with acrylic fiber with first-class warmth retention, which is light and soft to the touch and quick-drying and moisture-resistant. Compared with the use of wool, it can better cope with the changing needs of riding in external climate environments.
The three-dimensional tailoring that fits the hand and the vintage style of the outer seams with sewing lines, combined with the original developed old-style ball chain zipper, make it even more stylish! Moreover, the anti-leather material on the fore and middle fingers not only adds texture, but can also be used for wiping goggles (goggles); Addict Clothes retains the atmosphere of old products while incorporating the style of modern needs, such comfortable and burdenless sheepskin gloves , once you get used to it, you'll never go back to those gloves with harder leather!
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