1950's - 1960's Made by Navajo Artist LR Jake
Size: Applicable to around 17.5cm hand circumference (inner circumference 15.5cm, opening 2.1cm, can be fine-adjusted)
Inlaid with Bisbee turquoise, and then wrapped around with Twisted Wire silver rope, the traditional silvermaking technique Applique stacks up a rich visual; "corn seeds" (the importance of corn in the Navajo people), one of the staple foods of the Navajo people (corn, beans, pumpkins) It can be seen in mythology that cornmeal is used for special purposes in some rituals or sand paintings), the leaves with seeds extending out and sprouting, and the Navajo sun totem print, all symbolizing endless prosperity.
Bisbee Turquoise is produced in the Lavender Pit, a well-known mining area in Arizona, America. It is famous for its deep blue color and beautiful Chocolate Brown texture. The scarcity of output, the difficulty of mining, and the fact that the mine is currently closed and closed, make Bisbee even more precious. Turquoise currently ranks among the top five in the world. Especially now, such a large Bisbee is quite rare to see. It is definitely worth collecting and is a top-notch product that cannot be missed. Welcome to the store to appreciate it! !
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