Size: diameter 3.5cm
After more than three years of conception, West Ride finally launched the Silver Line series of silver jewelry. It invited Larry Smith, who is highly regarded in the field of Indian silver jewelry production, to collaborate. Combining the expertise of both Bikers Apparel & Old Indian Jewelry, West Ride created a very outstanding heavy-weight item, which is most commonly worn by knights. The pendants, bracelets and waist chains used are all in place at once!
The pendant is based on the American Morgan silver coin. The double-sided Swastika and Skull represent the fusion of Indian & Biker: the front Swastika is a lucky swastika for the old Indians, consisting of four letters L, which means LOVE. ), LUCK (lucky), LIFE (life), LIGHT (light), and are printed with totems and stacked with lightning 18K gold to create a rich visual sense. The Skull on the reverse is the most classic representative image of Biker. The skull is built on a horse's hoof, which symbolizes luck. The horseshoe shape is also associated with the crescent moon (NAZHAHI) shape among the Navajo people, and it also symbolizes the protection of life. Comparing the skull image, RIDE TILL DIE that allows knights to be free.
The Snake element visible in it represents a symbol of wisdom and challenge for the Indians. West Ride injects it into the spirit of the single product and displays it through the snake shape in motion. It is hoped that the knight can pass through it again and again. Accumulate experience while riding, and grow and absorb it into wisdom to complete the next challenge.
The final product was first blackened, and then showed a unique luster according to the traditional Indian silver polishing techniques; from the late 18th to the early 19th century, Native Americans polished silver jewelry by hand through fine sand in the water. It is the wisdom of harmonizing with nature that they showed when they were not wealthy at that time and were limited by tools.
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