In the past, U.S. troops stationed abroad liked to draw or embroider patterns on their military uniforms or personal clothing as a souvenir before retiring. After World War II, U.S. troops gradually withdrew and returned home, and U.S. troops stationed abroad also returned home via Yokosuka Base. At that time, the famous local The application of embroidered satin in the production of jackets is very popular, and it has also become a souvenir and souvenir for the U.S. military returning home. Therefore, it is also known as the Souvenir Jacket (souvenir jacket), and Yokosuka jackets have become a trend since then.
In addition to conventional rayon fiber fabrics, custom-made velvet fabrics also appeared in the late 1950s. The low-key luster makes it less eye-catching in terms of matching. In addition to the condition of this piece, in addition to the dirt on the inside, the velvet fabric on the outside also appeared. Only the right shoulder was slightly damaged, but it can be said to be in pretty good shape! The appearance setting is more different from the common baseball jacket shape, and the straight zipper collar may not be a very prominent choice at the time, but now it is rare and extremely durable and practical.
And although there is only one side of the embroidery, what is special about this piece is that in the time and space background of the US military assisting in the defense of Taiwan during the Cold War, the dragon, tiger, and eagle embroidery elements that are different from the common Yokosuka jackets, but instead bring in the map of Taiwan and The national flags of the two countries also rarely appear in the layout of the CHINESE font. The titles FORMOSA and TAIWAN are really commendable, and the blue gradient clouds stepped on by the oriental dragon on the sleeves are also very on point! !
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